2020年5月8日 10:27

- 5月8日~ 開始
- 価格:2,570円(税込)
505 GamesとECC Games S.A.は、PC向けドリフトレーシングシミュレーション「DRIFT21」の Steam早期アクセスを日本時間5月8日より開始した。価格は2,570円(税込)。5月15日までは10%OFFの2,313円(税込)で購入できる。
・3種類のマシン:NISSAN シルビア(S15)、SUBARU BRZ、MAZDA MX-5
・3つのゲームモード(Time Attack、Solo Run、Free Ride)と20種類のチャレンジ
Published under license by 505 Games. 505 Games and the 505 Games logo are trademarks and registered trademarks of 505 Games (U.S.) or its affiliates in the U.S. and other countries. ECC logo is the property of the ECC Games S.A. and has been used with the permission of the ECC Games S.A. Nissan Motor Co.,Ltd. trademarks, designs, copyrights and/or other intellectual property rights are used under license. “SUBARU”, “BRZ” and all other associated marks, emblems and body designs are properties of SUBARU CORPORATION and used with permission.The Mazda Motor Corporation names, emblems, car body image are used under the approval of Mazda Motor Corporation. Ebisu Circuit CO., LTD. All other trademarks are property of their respective owners.