「Rez Infinite」や「ルミネス」をはじめ数々の作品を手がけ、音楽活動でも活躍してきたクリエイター水口哲也氏。最新作は、満を持して挑む“さらに気持ちいい「テトリス」”!
©Tetris(R)& ©1985~2018 Tetris Holding. Tetris logos, Tetris theme song and Tetriminos are trademarks of Tetris Holding. The Tetris trade dress is owned by Tetris Holding. Licensed to The Tetris Company. Tetris Game Design by Alexey Pajitnov. Tetris Logo Design by Roger Dean. All Rights Reserved. Tetris Effect produced and published by Enhance, Inc. Developed by Resonair and Monstars Inc. All Rights Reserved. The “PS” Family logo and “PS4” are registered trademarks of Sony Interactive Entertainment Inc. Unreal, Unreal Engine and the circle-U logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Epic Games, Inc. in the United States and elsewhere.