任天堂株式会社は米ロサンゼルスで開催中の世界最大規模のゲーム展示会「E3 2011」初日に、「Nintendo E3 Presentation」を開催した。本稿では、会場で発表された最新タイトルのスクリーンショットをご紹介する。
■ Wii U
(C)2011 Nintendo.
■ Nintendo 3DS
【Animal Crossing(仮)】 |
(C)2011 Nintendo.
【Kid Icarus: Uprising】 |
(C)2011 Nintendo. (C)2011 Sora Ltd.
【Luigi's Mansion 2(仮)】 |
(C)2011 Nintendo.
【Mario Kart(仮)】 |
(C)2011 Nintendo.
【Paper Mario(仮)】 |
(C)2011 Nintendo.
【Star Fox 64 3D】 |
(C)1997-2011 Nintendo.
【Super Mario(仮)】 |
(C)2011 Nintendo.
(C)2011 NAMCO BANDAI Games Inc. All rights reserved. All trademarks and copyrights associated with the manufacturers, aircraft, models, trade names, brands and visual images depicted in this game are the property of their respective owners, and used with such permissions.
【FIFA Soccer 12】 |
(C)2011 Electronic Arts Inc. All Rights Reserved. All trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Official FIFA licensed product. "(C)The FIFA Brand OLP Logo is a copyright and trademark of FIFA. All rights reserved." Manufactured under license by Electronic Arts Inc. *INTERNET CONNECTION required for online play.
【Heroes of Ruin】 |
(C)2011 Square Enix Co., Limited. All rights reserved. Developed by n-Space Inc. Heroes of Ruin is a trademark of Square Enix Limited. SQUARE ENIX and the SQUARE ENIX logo are registered trademarks or trademarks of Square Enix Holdings Co., Ltd. n-Space logo is a registered trademark of n-Space Inc.
【Mario & Sonic at the London 2012 Olympic Games】 |
TM USOC 36USC220506. Copyright (C)2011 International Olympic Committee ("IOC"). All rights reserved.
SUPER MARIO characters (C)NINTENDO. Nintendo 3DS and Wii are trademarks of Nintendo. SONIC THE HEDGEHOG characters (C)SEGA. SEGA, the SEGA logo and Sonic The Hedgehog are either registered trademarks or trademarks of SEGA Corporation.
(C)2011 Konami Digital Entertainment
【RESIDENT EVIL: Revelations】 |
【Tetris】 |
(C)1985~2011 Tetris Holding. All Rights Reserved. Sublicensed to Tetris Online, Inc.
■ Nintendo eShop
【Pokedex 3D】 |
(C)1995-2011 Nintendo / Creatures Inc. / GAME FREAK inc.
【The Rolling Western】 |
(C)2011 Nintendo.
【Picture Lives!(仮)】 |
(C)2011 Nintendo.