(C)Sony Computer Entertainment Inc.
(C)2010 Sony Computer EntertainmentInc.
Manufacturers, cars, names, brands andassociated imagery
featured in this game in some casesinclude trademarks and/or
copyrighted materials of their respectiveowners. All rights reserved.
Any depiction or recreation of realworld locations, entities, businesses,
or organizations is not intended tobe or imply any sponsorship or
endorsement of this game by such partyor parties.
Produced under license of Ferrari Spa.FERRARI, the PRANCING HORSE
device, all associated logos and distinctivedesigns are trademarks of Ferrari Spa.
The body designs of the Ferrari carsare protected as Ferrari property
under design, trademark and trade dressregulations.
(C)2007 Sony Computer EntertainmentEurope.Published by
Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. AllRights Reserved. Developed by Housemarque.
(C)2009 Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. Manufacturers, cars,names, brands and associated imagery featured in this gamein some cases include trademarks and/or copyrighted materials of their respective owners. All rights reserved. Any depiction or recreation of real world locations, entities, businesses, or organizations is not intended to be or imply any sponsorship or endorsement of this game by such party or parties. Produced under license of Ferrari Spa. FERRARI, the PRANCING HORSE device, all associated logos and distinctive designs are trademarks of Ferrari Spa. The body designs of the Ferrari cars are protected as Ferrari property under design, trademark and trade dress regulations.
【WipEout HD】
(C)2008 Sony Computer Entertainment Europe.
(C)Sony Computer Entertainment Europe. Published by Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. Developed by Guerrilla.
【ソニック ジェネレーションズ白の時空】
【スーパーストリートファイターIV ArcadeEdition】
(C)2011 NBGI (C)2011 FromSoftware, Inc.