「Kinectスポーツ: シーズン2」は日本でも人気の高い野球、ゴルフ、スキー、ダーツなど6種類のスポーツを収録。10月27日発売予定で、価格は5,880円
「Kinectスポーツ: シーズン2」
(C) 2011 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Microsoft, BigPark, Kinect, Rare,
the Rare logo, Xbox, Xbox 360, Xbox LIVE, and the Xbox logos are trademarks of the Microsoft
group of companies.
「Dance Central 2」
(C) 2011 Harmonix Music Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. Dance Central, Dance Central 2, Harmonix and all related titles and logos are trademarks of Harmonix Music Systems, Inc. Dance Central 2 developed by Harmonix Music Systems, Inc. All other marks are the property of their respective owners. Microsoft, KINECT, Xbox, Xbox 360, Xbox LIVE, and the Xbox logos are trademarks of the Microsoft group of companies.