米Entertainment Software Association(ESA)が主催する世界最大規模のゲーム関連のトレードショウ「Electronic Entertainment Expo 2012(E3 2012)」が、現地時間の6月5日よりロサンゼルスのコンベンションセンターにおいて開幕した。ここではNintendo of Americaのスクリーンショット集をお届けする。
■ Wii U
(C)2012 Nintendo. Co-developed by INTELLIGENT SYSTEMS.(C)2012 The LEGO Group. & (C)Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. (s12)【New Super Mario Bros. U】 |
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(C)2012 Nintendo. New Super Mario Bros. and Wii U are trademarks of Nintendo.(C)2012 Nintendo. Nintendo Land, Animal Crossing, The Legend of Zelda, Donkey Kong and Wii U are trademarks of Nintendo.【Ninja Gaiden 3: Razor's Edge】 |
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(C)2012 TECMO KOEI GAMES CO., LTD. Team NINJA. All rights reserved.(C)2012 Nintendo. Pikmin and Wii U are trademarks of Nintendo.【Project P-100】 |
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(C)2012 Nintendo/Platinum Games Inc. Wii U is a trademark of Nintendo. (C)2012 Nintendo.(C)2012 Nintendo. Wii U is a trademark of Nintendo.(C)2007-2012 Nintendo. Wii Fit and Wii U are trademarks of Nintendo.【Wii U Panorama View】 |
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(C)2012 Nintendo. Wii U is a trademark of Nintendo.【Aliens: Colonial Marines(SEGA)】 |
Aliens: Colonial Marines, Alien, Aliens, Alien 3 & (C)2012 Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation. All rights reserved. Twentieth Century Fox, Alien, Aliens, Alien 3 and their associated logos are registered trademarks or trademarks of Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation. Aliens: Colonial Marines game software, excluding Twentieth Century Fox elements. (C)SEGA. SEGA and the SEGA logo are registered trademarks or trademarks of SEGA Corporation. All rights reserved. (C)2012 Gearbox Software, LLC. Gearbox and the Gearbox Software logos are registered trademarks of Gearbox Software, LLC in the U.S. and/or other countries and used here under license.【Assassin's Creed III(Ubisoft)】 |
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(C)2012 Ubisoft Entertainment. All Rights Reserved. Assassin’s Creed, Ubisoft, and the Ubisoft logo are trademarks of Ubisoft Entertainment in the US and/or other countries.【Batman: Arkham City Armored Edition(Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment)】 |
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BATMAN: ARKHAM CITY software (C)2012 Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. Developed by Rocksteady Studios Ltd. All other trademarks and copyrights are the property of their respective owners. All rights reserved.
BATMAN and all characters, their distinctive likenesses, and related elements are trademarks of DC Comics (C)2010. All Rights Reserved.
WB GAMES LOGO, WB SHIELD: & (C)Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc.(s12)
Nintendo trademarks and copyrights are properties of Nintendo.【Darksiders II(THQ)】 |
(C)2012 THQ Inc. Developed by Vigil Games. Darksiders, Vigil Games, THQ and their respective logos are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of THQ Inc. All rights reserved. All other trademarks, logos and copyrights are property of their respective owners.【Just Dance 4(Ubisoft)】 |
(C)2012 Ubisoft Entertainment. All Rights Reserved. Just Dance, Ubisoft, and the Ubisoft logo are trademarks of Ubisoft Entertainment in the US and/or other countries. Nintendo trademarks and copyrights are properties of Nintendo.【Mass Effect 3(Electronic Arts)】 |
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(C)2011 EA Internationa(l Studio and Publishing)Ltd. Mass Effect, Mass Effect logo, BioWare and BioWare logo are trademarks of EA Internatina(l Studio and Publishing)Ltd. EA and the EA logo are trademarks of Electronic Arts Inc. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. 【Rayman Legends(Ubisoft)】 |
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(C)2012 Ubisoft Entertainment. All Rights Reserved. Rayman, Rayman Legends, the character of Rayman, Ubisoft, Ubi.com, and the Ubisoft logo are trademarks of Ubisoft Entertainment in the U.S. and/or other countries. Wii U is a trademark of Nintendo. (C)2012 Nintendo.【Scribblenauts Unlimited(Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment)】 |
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SCRIBBLENAUTS UNLIMITED software (C)2012 Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. Developed by 5th Cell Media LLC. All other trademarks and copyrights are the property of their respective owners. All rights reserved.
SCRIBBLENAUTS and all related characters and elements are trademarks of and (C)Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc.
WB GAMES LOGO, WB SHIELD: & (C)Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc.(s12)【TANK! TANK! TANK!(NAMCO BANDAI Games Inc.)】 |
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(C)NBGI【Trine 2: Director's Cut(Frozenbyte)】 |
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Trine 2 (C)2011-2012 Frozenbyte Oy. Developed by Frozenbyte Oy.
Trine 2: Director's Cut (C)2012 Frozenbyte Oy. Developed by Frozenbyte Oy.
All rights reserved.(C)2012 Ubisoft Entertainment. All Rights Reserved. ZombiU Logo, Ubisoft, and the Ubisoft logo are trademarks of Ubisoft Entertainment in the US and/or other countries. Nintendo trademarks and copyrights are properties of Nintendo.
■ 3DS
【Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon】 |
(C)2012 Nintendo. Luigi’s Mansion and Nintendo 3DS are trademarks of Nintendo.【New Super Mario Bros. 2】 |
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(C)2012 Nintendo. New Super Mario Bros. and Nintendo 3DS are trademarks of Nintendo.【Paper Mario: Sticker Star】 |
(C)2012 Nintendo.
Program (C)2012 Nintendo/INTELLIGENT SYSTEMS.
Paper Mario and Nintendo 3DS are trademarks of Nintendo.【Castlevania: Lords of Shadow - Mirror of Fate(Konami Digital Entertainment, Inc.)】 |
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(C) 2010 Konami Digital Entertainment Developed by Mercury Steam Entertainment.【Disney Epic Mickey: Power of Illusion(Disney Interactive Studios)】 |
(C)Disney【HEROES OF RUIN(Square Enix)】 |
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(C)2011 Square Enix Co., Limited. All rights reserved. Developed by n-Space Inc. Heroes of Ruin is a trademark of Square Enix Limited. SQUARE ENIX and the SQUARE ENIX logo are registered trademarks or trademarks of Square Enix Holdings Co., Ltd. n-Space logo is a registered trademark of n-Space Inc.【KINGDOM HEARTS 3D [Dream Drop Distance](Square Enix)】 |
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【KINGDOM HEARTS 3D [Dream Drop Distance](Square Enix)】 |
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(C)2012 Disney. Developed by SQUARE ENIX. Characters from Square Enix games: (C)SQUARE ENIX CO., LTD. All Rights Reserved. SQUARE ENIX and the SQUARE ENIX logo are registered trademarks or trademarks of Square Enix Holdings Co., Ltd. Nintendo trademarks and copyrights are properties of Nintendo. The ratings icon is a trademark of the Entertainment Software Association.【LEGO Batman 2: DC Super Heroes(Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment)】 |
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Batman and all related characters, and elements are trademarks of DC Comics (C)2012. All Rights Reserved.
WB GAMES LOGO, WB SHIELD: & (C)Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc.(s12)【Rabbids Rumble(Ubisoft)】 |
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(C)2012 Ubisoft Entertainment. All Rights Reserved.
Rabbids, Ubisoft and the Ubisoft logo are trademarks of Ubisoft Entertainment in the U.S. and/or other countries.【Scribblenauts Unlimited(Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment)】 |
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SCRIBBLENAUTS UNLIMITED software (C)2012 Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. Developed by 5th Cell Media LLC. All other trademarks and copyrights are the property of their respective owners. All rights reserved.
SCRIBBLENAUTS and all related characters and elements are trademarks of and (C)Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc.
WB GAMES LOGO, WB SHIELD: & (C)Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc.(s12)【Transformers Prime(Activision Publishing)】 |
Game (C)2012 Activision Publishing, Inc. All rights reserved. Activision is a registered trademark of Activision Publishing, Inc.
■ Nintendo DS
【Pokemon Conquest Press Materials】 |
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(C)2011-2012 Pokemon (C)1995-2012 Nintendo/Creatures Inc /GAME FREAK inc. Developed by Creatures Inc.
Nintendo DS, Nintendo 3DS and Pokemon are trademarks of Nintendo. (C)2008 Nintendo.